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  • Rich, Dave Woodside here, give me a call sometime would love to catch up live in Northern Mi. summers Houston Tx. area in winter. 734-216-7923
  • Hi Rich, I was attached to Heavy-5 from 1963 to 1966. I made the West Pac cruise aboard the Ranger in 64 -65. I am tryng to put together a Shadow Box of my career and need patches, pins or anything else I can find on RVAH-5. My Email address is and phone # 386-734-8516. I live in DeLand Florida.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Larry VanZant

  • Rich, what can you tell me about Cdr. Everett's crash into the ocean? Joe Brandl told me a little about it. I've had it on my mind a lot lately; I guess remembering him because of Memorial email is

  • Rich,

    It's been a long time.  Hope all is well.  Just got a new toy a couple of weeks ago.


  • Rich, I am also a supporter of Sarah Palin.  I have an ex VAP-62 shipmate that lives in Sarah's hometown and he says that she is the real deal.  I was Cdr McCain's maint chief on a 3-week weapons det to Yuma when I was with VA-174 and he was XO and det OIC.  He is the most principled man I have ever met and I blame his handlers for his defeat.  Had they let McCain be McCain and also turned Palin loose to do her thing I think they would have won handily.
  • Rich, you mentioned that you have cruise books for the 68/69 and 69/70 Tonkin Gulf deployments on the Connie and Ranger respectively.  On both of those cruises I left the ship at the last port (Cubi Pt) as a courier back to home base and I never received my cruise books.  Would you be so kind as to email me the Avionics Division photos for those cruises ??

  • Rich,
    What is your e-mail address.
  • The Palin book is pretty good. I have a Palin 2012 bumper sticker and get at least two or three thumbs up a day from other drivers.
    Marques should have some pretty good photos of the reunion. It was good, you'll have to go to the next one.
    By reading the profiles of other Heavy Five guys, I am surprised that those of you who stayed in were transferred to other Heavy squadrons. I would have thought that you all would have been assigned to someplace completely different. However after all of the Vigilantes were decommissioned you must have gone elsewhere.
    Have good holidays.
  • Hey Rich, Send me your email address and I'll forward the pictures from the reunion. Jack
  • Hey Rich,
    Yes I am a Palin supporter. I did support and vote for McCain & Palin. However I have been very disappointed in McCain since his defeat as I think he and his staff blamed Palin for the defeat. The reality of it was that she was the one person that made him competitive. Hopefully she will be our next president in beginning in 2013.
    I went to the RVAH reunion last Summer and had a great weekend. I drove up to New Hampshire last August to see Joe Brandl for his 60th birthday.
    I live in the Chicago suburbs.
    Still working.
    Keep in touch.
This reply was deleted.



February 20

Activity Feed

0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Edward Burks
"FYI: We divorced and I haven't spoken to her since 1980. I remember the Rabbit Bus; scary yet exciting! Hope life's been good to you..."
Feb 6, 2015
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Gerald D. Traywick
"AQ2 Traywick; hope you've lived a good life & that the tornados are not giving you & family grief... Life is good!"
Jul 7, 2013
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Ken Kratz
"Ken; I finally found my "round tuit" and have posted the cruise book photos of the 68/69 WestPac aboard USS Constellation CVA-64. Hope life is treating you well. Rich Cater"
Apr 22, 2013
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Ken Kratz
"Ken; you do get around! Last time I saw you was on IKE 83/84 or 85 deployment. You were attached to VA-65 and {at the time} Cdr. Bill Fallon was the C.O.. He retired in 07 as  4 star. Sweet ride! if you get a chance look on my page, I'm uploading my…"
Feb 24, 2013
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Edmund A Rassler
"Ed; go to this website to view cruise books for sale. So unfortunate for me to get back to you. I just quit working permanently this past Dec. Meantime I'll get my Retired Chief Wife to assist me in uploading the photos you…"
Mar 28, 2012
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Douglas J Maher
"Doug; email me at; you still working at the Marine base? let me know how your doing. I'm still breathing oxygen and pumping blood. Still trying to live that adventure called "LIFE"..... Rich"
May 11, 2010
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for John Ciffone
"email address:; I've got to start uploading photos ya'll get a kick out of em...... keep breathing oxygen and pumping blood, and give thanks for the sun rise each morning...... Rich"
May 11, 2010
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for John Ciffone
"John; just had to say hi! been awhile. I see your knee deep snow and other Chicago weather;;;; Hope all's going well for you. I'll be back soon. I spend a lot of time on face book, it's free and communications much easier. Join as my friend if…"
Feb 24, 2010
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for John Ciffone
"John; what happened was I got out in 04/71 and worked in a foundrey busting my a** and freezing up in Manistee, Michigan. So I went back in 03/72 with H-13 and went back to VN on the Big E. made 2nd & the Ranger boat again in 74. Took shore duty at…"
Dec 21, 2009
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for John Ciffone
"John; my wife bought the Palin disc, this way she narriates the book for me, more enjoyable this way. Have a Merry Christmas and a warm day. Cold as hell down here in south central Texas down to 32 and lower tonight. Stay healthy and live the sweet…"
Dec 4, 2009
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Jack Marques
"Here it is; or join face book and be a friend, just as easy to com with each other. How you doing? & how has your life been? Have a Merry Christmas and a warm day. Possible snow in the weather, can you believe that!…"
Dec 4, 2009
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for John Ciffone
"John; Welcome buddy! Whatever happened to that RED Convertible car you had when you got out???????? Looking Good!!!!!!!!!!"
Nov 12, 2009
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Tom Gillespie
"Hey Storekeeper; how life been treating you? Hope all's well and that you've had an enjoyable life. Rich"
Nov 7, 2009
0jxw1je34vdm4 left a comment for Jack Marques
"Jack; what's with the green background on the one-way Indian decal? Looks ugly! Who's in charge of ensuring the squadron logo's are correct? The back-ground needs to be a deep blue color. By the way - it's been a long time buddy. Hopefully you visit…"
Jul 14, 2009
