Spell Check in forums

I don't know about anyone else, but I depend on my web browser's inline spell checker to let me know when I misspelled a word due to a typo (or because I'm terrible at spelling). For whatever reason the spell check function no longer works in the forums here on Reccenet (or any other Ning 3.0 website) in the standard editing mode (I think this is only true on Windows PCs, spell check works fine on an Apple iPad and I'm guessing on Apple PCs too).

I accidentally found a work around and I'm attaching a PDF below with a how to (not the greatest PDF how to I've ever created):

Spell check workaround.pdf

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  • Our illustrious IT Guru, Bob Marioni, performed a magical IT incantation and now the web browser's inline spell checker should underline any words that are misspelled when typing in any new discussion posts or replies to discussions (on Windows PCs, I can't say what might happen in other operating systems or devices).
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