Custom Tee Shirt

The Hey Joes on Facebook seem to think everyone wants a tee shirt with the image of the patch below on it I contacted Carl of Plane Crazy Enterprises (a real memorabilia seller) and asked if a tee shirt was possible. He said he can have one done but he's going to need to know quantity and sizes before he can determine if there is enough demand and what the shirt will cost. So anyone that really wants such a tee shirt email me at with how many you want and what sizes. I'll give everybody a week to respond and then pass the info on to Carl and see what he says.


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  • New issue. Carl wants RVAH Navy to buy the tee shirts form him in bulk and then someone on our end would have to deal with taking the orders and shipping them to each individual. Since we don't have a "Ship's Store" anymore (nor the people to run it) unless someone wants to volunteer to take this project on I guess it's dead.
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