Terry, I'm a little confused about this website and the comms. Is your comment dtd 30 Jun 24 the first between you and me? I can't find any prior conversation, yet you respond with "...nice to hear from you." I'm delighted to hear from you, but it sounds like we didn't share much squadron time. You came aboard as I was departing? What was your role in RVAH-1!
Hi Larry, nice to hear from you and "YES" I remember the ejection and your RAN in a leg cast for the first part of our second WESTPAC deployment in 1972 on the USS Saratoga. -- Terry Stentz, Lincoln, NE
"Terry, I'm a little confused about this website and the comms. Is your comment dtd 30 Jun 24 the first between you and me? I can't find any prior conversation, yet you respond with "...nice to hear from you." I'm delighted to hear from you, but…"
"Hello, Chief. How're you doing? Enjoying retirement?
If you thought that my ejection was a show from your perspective, you should have seen it from mine. I've still never forgiven the Ops Officer from H-1 - Meifert, I think - who (without…"
Hi Larry, I was Maintenance Control Chief of H-1 when we watched you and your RAN eject over the runway at Albany. Quite a show.
Ron Murphy, AVCM (Ret.)
Hi Larry,
Welcome aboard.
John VAH-9